
Climate change is truly one of the greatest challenges and opportunities of our generation. 世界上没有一个区域, 企业或政府, 一个不会受到影响的社区或个人. How we collectively respond will determine the ultimate success in building a healthier, 更安全的, more sustainable and resilient future for all people and our planet.

Panel of images including beach scene, child playing outside, close up of palm leaf

Acting on climate change requires all of us to work together – governments, 企业, communities and individuals – in developing a sustainable future for generations to come.

作为全球战略合作伙伴 世界气候论坛, 我们正在帮助我们的行业, clients and communities transform commitments into actions that support a net zero future and the 联合国可持续发展目标 (西班牙). We continue to draw on our global experience and advise on resilient solutions, innovative partnerships and sustainable policy and investment frameworks to help accelerate action for the transformative change needed. At 正规博彩十大网站排名, we see every day as an opportunity to make the world better.



第26届联合国气候变化大会(COP26), 于2021年10月31日至11月12日在格拉斯哥举行, brought parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the 《首页》.

史蒂夫Demetriou talks to The Geographer about the important role natural capital approaches play in supporting the delivery of some of the most challenging environmental targets. 点击这里了解更多内容.

Penny Borton and Darren Grafius explore the potential for nature-based solutions in supporting net-zero targets and how organizations can practically identify opportunities. 点击这里了解更多内容.

During COP26 史蒂夫Demetriou spoke to Climate Action about what we're doing as a firm to tackle global climate-related challenges. 点击这里了解更多内容.

In support of the global drive to net zero and action on climate change, 正规博彩十大网站排名 has become a Global Strategic Partner for the 世界气候论坛, a recently launched initiative spearheaded by not-for-profit organization 世界气候基金会. 点击这里了解更多内容.

COP26之前, 雅各布的总裁兼首席财务官, 凯文由漫画家, shares his perspectives on the future of sustainable finance and where we see the biggest opportunity to positively address climate change. 点击这里了解更多内容.

The Geographer, Special Edition 2021, Glasgow COP26, Scotland's Climate Journey to a Net Zero World

现在! 从自然的解决方案, circular economy strategies and the role of digital innovation in climate change, 我们激励和培育未来变革者的方式, we’ve teamed up with the Royal Scottish Geographical Society to bring you all this and more in The Geographer Special COP26 Edition. 点击这里了解更多内容.

“在雅各布斯, we recognize the critical role we play – both in how we operate our business and in the climate action, decarbonization and sustainability solutions we implement in partnership with our clients to – 造福人类和地球.”


“The focus for net zero right now is on enabling delivery – and this requires all of us to work together – 企业, 全世界的政府和社区. The interface with 企业 and cross-industry partnerships is vital to informing policy, 刺激创新, 学习和分享, 最终, 改善行动.”



PlanBeyond 2.0,我们的可持续经营战略




我们的专业知识和全球网络是您的, 所以你可以创建, 可持续地交付并取得成功——不仅是今天,而且是未来.

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