



平方英尺或更多的校园装修, 与750年,000平方英尺的办公室, 研发培训空间




acre corporate campus, with buildings designed to reduce the company’s water usage by 45 percent


different soups served daily in the new state-of-the-art café’s custom soup bar centerpiece

In 2006, Campbell Soup Company embarked on an ambitious program known as “The New Face of Campbell’s.这个项目的重点是振兴卡姆登,新泽西州的校园. 响应由Campbell组织的设计竞赛, 雅各布斯接受了设计校园的挑战, 决心创造一个象征振兴.

我们内部多学科的建筑师团队, 工程师, 景观建筑师, interior designers and workplace strategists to collaborated on a design that combined their best efforts.


The first element of the New Face of Campbell’s project was a design of the new Campbell Employee Center which houses a multitude of campus amenities including the cafeteria, 坎贝尔大学培训中心, 健身中心, 员工商店, 信用合作社, 等.

The second major element was the re-invention of the workplace to be more consistent with current work styles and business demands, followed by multi-phase renovation of existing campus buildings to implement the strategies developed.




100年,000-square-foot Employee Center highlights the world headquarters while welcoming visitors to the corporate campus. The basis for the design was to create a contemporary professional environment that maximized the use of space, supported changing work processes and was flexible to respond to current and future needs of the company.

It features a dramatic lobby with integrated brand approach highlighting a 250-foot-long, 30英尺高的标识墙矗立在两层楼高的玻璃入口后面. The branding wall is the super graphic of the Campbell logo that can be seen from the nearby highway.

该中心由两层和部分较低的一层组成. 员工的精神在主要层面上得到体现, 里面有自助餐厅, 备餐间, 厨房, 员工商店, 以及大堂/接待区和安全中心, 鼓励员工互动和社区. 勇于挑战,激发员工的思维, the Campbell University learning and development center and office space are incorporated into the upper level.

7,500平方英尺的健身中心, 促进员工的身体健康, 储藏区位于较低的一层.

扩建的一个组成部分是重新设计的, 最先进的自助餐厅,特色汤吧作为一个多媒体中心作品. The cafeteria has a large seating area with furniture that is movable for presentations and exhibition cooking.

The central location of the Employee Center creates a unique opportunity to unify the current campus by improving the surrounding grounds. 作为各种建筑物的连接件, 外部广场为用餐提供了额外的空间, 为正式和非正式场合提供大型集会场所, 和表示地点. 内部的café /用餐区, 这里也是大型员工会议和接待场所的两倍, 通往室外用餐平台. In total, the outside plaza space more than doubles the capacity of the interior cafeteria. 蜿蜒的小径两旁排列着长椅,环绕着Wi-Fi兼容的庭院, 允许员工和访客在户外会面和工作. The layout of the courtyard creates a seamless flow from within the new building to the plaza area, 离餐厅和办公室只有几步之遥.


As a continuation of the renewal of the Campbell Soup Company’s World Headquarters Campus, 雅各布斯为这400座建筑的阶段性改造制定了一个总体规划,000-square-foot main office complex (WHQ) incorporating the new workplace standards developed in the Office Pilot Project. 到目前为止,第一和第二层的翻修工作已经完成.

遵循之前在工作场所策略研究中制定的原则, renovation of existing office buildings served as a catalyst for key advancements in Workplace design, 重新定义工作空间和员工工作环境.

The implementation of the strategy in the WHQ and Building 70 included three main concepts: daylight for all, 增加了协作空间和灵活性. 减少工作站面板的高度,增加工作站的玻璃, office fronts and conference rooms increased the sense of openness and contributed to spontaneous interaction and collaboration.

Flexibility was achieved with integration of sliding walls at conference rooms for “all hands meetings,“工作站和会议室内的移动家具. 正规博彩十大网站排名 also developed multiple space types within the space “tool kit” such as the flexible meeting spaces and huddle rooms which gave employees the opportunity to choose where to work.

Access to daylight and exterior views was a criteria set early on for the new workplace environments so every neighborhood work space has access to windows and when necessary, 混凝土中添加了新的天窗作为补充.


The New Face of Campbell’s Workplace was envisioned as an opportunity to identify appropriate workplace solutions that would support the organization in recruiting and retaining the best talent available while giving the organization the best work tools possible.

我们开始了一个想象的过程, research and data generation to inform the new workplace solution working closely with Campbell’s stakeholder groups. 根据调查, 讨论, research and observation four priorities were identified for specific attention in the workplace master plan – the number, size and distribution of conference and meeting spaces; improved acoustical performance; improved access to daylight and views; and a new overall aesthetic expressing the New Face of Campbell’s.

在新的工作场所建议最终确定之前, the concepts were implemented in a pilot space located on the second floor of the Employee Center. 包括组织有效性在内的三个组, Global Talent Acquisition and Diversity and Inclusion were chosen to occupy the approximately 8,000平方英尺的空间. The pilot was used as a testing laboratory for many of the concepts recommended by the Working Group. This allowed the team to refine and fine tune recommendations before implementation of the plan on the entire campus. 试点项目中考虑的具体项目包括:规划概念, 空间类型与占用人数的比率, 家具解决方案, 技术解决方案, 声学解决方案和美学.


新的员工中心获得了LEED银质nc认证, 使结构和建筑节能环保. 它采用了节能的暖通空调, 节约用水, 回收的建筑材料和日光收获以及其他可持续的特点. 这种对环境的认识反映了坎贝尔的原则和信念, 并将金宝汤公司定位为可持续设计的管理者.


The team of experts in the design of forward-thinking office workplace environments working closely with the Campbell’s leadership and stakeholder groups was the key for the success of this project. 团队领导和技术资源, 特别是当与多个涉众和项目一起工作时, 需要强有力的监督, 负责内部项目团队和顾问的日常管理, 还有各种各样的工具来保证任务按时完成, 在预算和充分响应质量问题.

我们的项目控制人员积极参与整个项目团队, 参与设计工作, 协助识别和解决障碍和风险, 分析数据,报告发生了什么,预测未来.

类似的, the quality of work was continuously measured and analyzed to ensure project objectives were met and opportunities for preventive action are identified and addressed. 如果发现工作质量的偏差,应采取纠正措施. 正规博彩十大网站排名’ Quality Assurance Program guides this process throughout all phases of project execution. 这个过程为我们的客户带来了巨大的价值, 像坎贝尔, 通过提供优质服务, 降低项目成本和进度风险.

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