
Between 2014 and 2015, 一个世纪以来最严重的干旱影响了巴西生活的方方面面——从咖啡生产到关键的首页和供水服务. 如果我们向你展示Jacobs的Replica™数字双胞胎解决方案软件如何帮助一个巴西大城市可视化未来更有弹性的供水方案,你会觉得怎么样?

Canateria Reservoir in drought

Whether you’re a year-round iced coffee devotee, 没有奶油和糖就不能滚,或者在星巴克的南瓜香料拿铁每年到来之前就不能倒计时——毫无疑问,咖啡在全世界都很受欢迎. After all, we went through about 161 million 60-kilogram bags of it worldwide  last year.

According to a Reuters survey, Americans are drinking more coffee than ever. A survey from the Centre for Economics and Business Research found Brits drinking 25 million more cups per day than they were a decade ago. In Australia, one researcher highlighted how more Aussies are bonding over daily flat whites than craft beer.

商业咖啡是由世界上少数几个地方种植的少量植物生产的, and in 2014 and 2015, 当全球最大的咖啡生产国之一巴西遭遇百年来最严重的干旱时,咖啡价格暴涨,关于咖啡已售罄的谣言开始四处蔓延.

随着全球气候面临未来的不确定性,世界上的咖啡生产者(和爱好者)!) could face even greater challenges – and in Brazil, coffee production is just one of its drought-influenced issues. São Paulo, one of Brazil’s largest cities, almost completely ran out of water during the 2014/15 drought.

但如果我们向您展示雅各布斯设计的数字双胞胎解决方案和软件是如何结合起来提供帮助的呢 São Paulo explore options – in 3D – for a more resilient, drought-proof and secure future supply of another world-beloved beverage, water?

What if we showed you?


process models within the Replica Parametric Design tool, enabling its use on water and wastewater projects worldwide


water treatment and conveyance projects on 6 continents during 20+ years

Introducing Replica Parametric Design™

Around the world, communities like São Paulo are working to sustainably manage water resources for a variety of needs. With population growth, aging infrastructure and climate risk, the management of water resources is becoming more complex. 这些复杂性给市政当局和工业以可持续和经济的方式管理水提出了挑战.

These challenges are exactly why Jacobs developed  复制品,我们的数字双胞胎解决方案软件套件,它由几个工具组成. One of these unique tools is Replica Parametric Design software, 为市政和工业水和废水项目提供概念性设计和成本估算,以促进项目早期的可持续和经济决策. 通过整合早期项目规划的三个主要概念组成部分(设施设计标准和足迹), 建筑成本估算和生命周期成本估算)该工具提供了一个比传统概念估算技术更快和更清晰的项目范围和成本的图像. From proposals to preliminary design, the tool streamlines the design development of concepts and facilitates making informed, defensible decisions that enable project advancement.

Exploring water reuse in São Paulo

Coffee fields Sao Paulo
Initial site layout
Final site layout after CPES session

Rainfall in late 2015 finally delivered relief to Brazil, bringing water levels in São Paulo’s largest reservoir, Cantareira, above pump level for the first time in more than a year and a half. Cantareira为近600万人提供饮用水,干旱期间的情况变得非常可怕. 在救援到来之前,这座城市的供水只剩下20天,这是非常可怕的. As climate variability and urbanization change the landscape in Brazil, experts warn droughts and other extreme weather will only worsen in the future.

Exploring options to supplement its future potable water supplies, SABESP, the largest supplier of water and wastewater services in São Paulo, brought Jacobs in for a conceptual planning workshop for a direct potable reuse project.

直接饮用水再利用是指将高度净化的循环水直接引入公共水系统的饮用水或原水供应中. Since there is no new water on Earth, 所有的水都经过一个自然循环,在被处理并作为饮用水返回家庭和企业之前,基本上是循环水. In recent decades though, 有远见的组织,如SABESP,已经在更紧密和更快速的规模上复制自然, reclaiming water once viewed as waste and recycling it to augment water supplies.

在研讨会期间,SABESP使用了几种Jacobs工具,包括Replica Parametric Design, Replica Process™ and Replica Preview™ to explore the possibility of water reuse in the city. Plans for a reuse facility included coarse and fine screens, bioreactor, membrane bioreactor (MBR), reverse osmosis, ultraviolet disinfection and ultraviolet advanced oxidation processes, storage and finished water pumping to the potable distribution system. Our team developed a Replica Process model for the MBR portion of the facility, including fine screens, bioreactor and MBR. 然后,我们将该模型中的信息输入到CPES中,并使用该工具为剩余的单元过程开发模型. 然后, using facility layouts and dimensions developed in Replica Parametric Design, 我们生成了一个3D副本预览模型,并创建了一个3D模型的视频,以可视化建议的布局.

我们的Replica Preview工具使用算法来利用Replica Parametric design文件中的设计参数,在SketchUp软件环境中自动创建精确的3D渲染图. 这些文件然后可以在谷歌地球™地理定位,让项目利益相关者看到未来设施将是什么样子.

São Paulo有一个令人兴奋的机会,利用Jacobs的参数化设计工具套件来回收其水的未来, 我们开发了一种设施方法,可以满足当前和未来的直接可饮用水再利用和在场地限制下工作的需求. One of SABESP’s wastewater technology managers even noted, “We have never seen such innovation, 任何顾问在如此短的时间内制定详细的规划和信息.”

Designing the future with advanced understanding

With more than 120 process models, 复制参数化设计可以用于世界各地几乎所有的水和废水项目的概念设计, cost estimating and technology comparison. 该软件利用参数化工程算法,在以往项目成功实施的基础上,提供详细和准确的范围, cost estimates and 3D visualizations for projects early in their lifespans.

Compared with traditional conceptual estimating techniques, 我们的软件可以更快速、更清晰地了解项目的独特范围,并提供第4类成本估算,以便在投资进一步的详细设计之前告知技术决策. For each model, 该工具根据之前项目的总布置图输出设施布局的3D可视化,支持早期利益相关者的理解和民用场地布局.

Replica Parametric Design also produces lifecycle costs, energy usage and an environmental impact summary, which includes items like greenhouse gas emissions and truck traffic, for each project. The environmental impact summary is based on key construction quantities (e.g. concrete, steel, earthwork, etc.) as well as facility power, chemical and residuals consumption and/or generation. 对环境影响的早期评估有助于为更可持续的水资源管理决策提供信息. We’ve used the software on a wide range of projects, from an aquifer replenishment system for a community rapidly diminishing its groundwater supply to a first-of-its-kind water treatment system in southwest Florida 利用最新的大规模处理技术将三种水源混合在一起.

有兴趣了解更多关于Jacobs如何将无形的想法转化为智能的解决方案, sustainable world? Visit www.sentrymagazine.com/what-if.

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