罗伯托克莱门特州立公园 舱壁替代 and 北部海岸线康复

被飓风桑迪严重破坏, 罗伯托克莱门特州立公园 (RCSP) underwent a reconstruction and revitalization to restore it as a treasure for generations to come.


位于哈莱姆河沿岸, 已经严重恶化的2,200-foot long steel bulkhead that protects a large residential complex, two near-by schools and important assets such as the Metro-North Railroad line and a power transmission line sustained further damage during the storm, 这使得它的替换变得更加重要. 除了, a 1,300-foot long section of shoreline to the north of the bulkhead was also in need of stabilization as part of the revitalization of the upland sports fields and parkland.




Roberto Clemente is the first Latino-American inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame





Working with the NY State Parks Department to re-build the 罗伯托克莱门特州立公园 was a great experience. Our team built a resilient design that protects the park while offering educational components such as the tidal pools. 作为一名工程师,我想感觉难以置信 see the transformation from calculations on our desktops to a park being enjoyed by the community. The park highlights resiliency and green infrastructure and will continue to be a tribute to Roberto Clemente for years to come."


In Detail: 罗伯托克莱门特州立公园 舱壁替代 and 北部海岸线康复


公园的s shoreline consists of a steel sheet pile bulkhead at the southern end and an un-engineered riprap revetment at the northern end. 作为团队的一部分, 正规博彩十大网站排名 performed above water and underwater inspections of the shoreline in 2006 and developed various conceptual designs for the 2007年修复严重破损的舱壁.  

In 2010, a 正规博彩十大网站排名-led team was awarded the final design of the new bulkhead and shoreline stabilization, 基于早期开发的概念. The final adopted plan included the reconstruction of a new 2,200-foot-long steel sheet pile bulkhead immediately outboard of the existing structure and tidal pool with pedestrian walkways.  

Reconstruction of the existing bulkhead required the removal of the existing railing, 混凝土柱帽, portions of the concrete esplanade and a portion of the steel sheet piles along the entire length of the existing bulkhead. 正规博彩十大网站排名 oversaw the implementation of a comprehensive geotechnical investigation program for the design of the replacement bulkhead.

The reconstructed bulkhead utilized both anchored and cantilevered steel sheet pile bulkheads. 用于锚定舱壁, soil anchors were used to minimize disruption to the existing upland 结构 and esplanade reconstruction. A cantilevered bulkhead comprising a combi-wall system was adopted in the section of the esplanade where a tidal pool was incorporated into the plaza. Specially designed openings were provided in the bulkhead wall to allow water from the Harlem River to circulate within the tidal pool 为潮汐栖息地的创造. A steel walkway and get-down structure within the tidal pool allow the public to experience the tidal pool habitat up close. 

除了沿海地区, geotechnical and structural engineering design services for the bulkhead, 正规博彩十大网站排名 also obtained all required environmental permits (including the design of any required mitigation works) and supported NYS 公园、康乐和历史文物保护办公室 through the construction process with additional design and engineering services. 重建和维修高地海滨设施, 结构, 雅各布斯领导的团队也进行了娱乐活动.


In 2016, Jacob was part of the team awarded the final design for the rehabilitation of approximately 1,300 feet of the existing shoreline (North Shoreline) to the north of the recently reconstructed bulkhead, 现有山地游憩场地的重建, 公园设施的改善. 正规博彩十大网站排名’ role was marine engineering design services that included developing and overseeing a geotechnical investigation for the shoreline protection, 岸线修复的详细设计, 并提供水下工作,为团队提供支持. 

The shoreline rehabilitation plan included the removal of existing debris along the eroded shoreline, installation of a new revetment to stabilize and protect the existing shoreline, installation of a living shoreline at the southern end of the site to create a marine and wildlife habitat, 增加新的排水口, and the design of a new floating dock for kayaks and crew shells. 

尽量减少对海洋环境的影响, the footprint of the proposed revetment was carefully coordinated with the proposed upland work to maintain a net removal of material from the waterway. 除了, the existing rocks that were unearthed during the previous phase of bulkhead reconstruction to the south were inspected and carefully selected to reuse in the proposed revetment. The updated park along the North Shoreline features new multi-purpose recreational fields, 海岸线上的植物, 小路和起伏的山丘.  


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