
10年期, TEAM2100 program to refurbish and improve tidal flood defenses in London and the Thames Estuary is the Environment Agency’s single largest flood risk management program in England and one of the U.K. 政府最重要的40个首页项目. 如果我们向您展示TEAM2100团队是如何工作的呢, 包括雅各布斯, is driving innovation at every stage of the asset lifecycle to better protect London from current and future tidal flooding?


Thames Estuary Asset Management (TEAM 2100) was set up by England’s Environment Agency to create a long-term approach to managing 330-kilometers of tidal flood defenses, 由墙、堤防和400多个其他结构(如防洪闸门)组成, 排放口和泵) 位于伦敦和泰晤士河口,包括标志性的泰晤士河堰. 雅各布斯负责管理该项目的前10年.

与环境署和贝尔弗·比蒂一起工作, 我们的工作是检查, 修复和改善175公里沿线防洪堤 保护泰晤士河和减少潮汐洪水的风险.伦敦有400万人口和价值3210亿英镑的财产, 艾塞克斯和肯特郡的人. 在一个如此重要的项目上, some might call it too risky to trailblaze new technologies or apply 创新 with the future of so many hanging in the balance.

TEAM2100项目提倡一种整体的方法来管理潮汐洪水防御, 希望通过在正确的时间在正确的地方投资来降低总成本. 它优先投资于高风险的防洪设施, 更好地预测资产恶化和干预策略. 该项目还旨在通过创新为公共资金创造更大的价值, 以及加强与供应链的合作和联合规划. 过去三年,该计划一直保持其ISO55000资产管理认证, 反映了资产管理的高国际标准.

但如果我们向你展示TEAM2100项目团队是如何在创新文化中茁壮成长的呢, constantly searching for a better way – to deliver the best protection and value for those who live along the River Thames?



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住在泰晤士河沿岸的人们 支流 受保护的






岁 -当前防御系统的平均年龄. 在某些情况下,这些资产的历史超过了100年



TEAM2100计划于2017年4月获得iso55001认证 最近又将该认证延长了三年,到2023年底. Tidal flood defenses need to protect London and the Thames Estuary from both a predicted rise in sea level and potentially higher and more frequent ‘storm surges’ (temporary further rises in sea level caused by certain weather conditions over the North Sea). 本世纪泰晤士河口的海平面上升可能在20-88厘米之间.

我们在TEAM2100上的工作是欧洲河口地区的第一个此类工作. 不仅仅是河流的规模和多样性使得防洪工作具有挑战性. 这条河是 一个不断变化的环境 在里面工作,河床在工作过程中会发生变化.  许多防御已经有30多年的历史,有些甚至超过了100年. The investigations are providing information about the condition of individual defenses and about the system.

The effort includes design and development of an extensive flood management program — the largest program of its kind — incorporating a series of fortifications, 堤防, 大门, 泵站, 以及保护伦敦的主要障碍, 艾塞克斯和肯特的潮汐洪水. Continued维护, essential asset improvements and environmental upgrades are benefitting people and wildlife along the tidal corridor.

作为主要的交付合作伙伴,我们负责 翻新和改进 河口超过4英里,000种不同的资产,开发和交付最佳实践弹性资产管理, 让公众的钱花得最有价值. That requires collaboration and clever use of technology to find better ways of working and achieving the best outcomes. 有客户端, designer and contractor working in one team means we can make decisions together more effectively and have input into the designs at an early stage from the construction teams carrying out the works. 这提高了可建造性、健康、安全和施工效率.


A world-class approach to asset management and how it is effectively integrated with program management is fundamental to the work underway. 在两年的计划开始,TEAM2100获得ISO 55001认证,成为第一个美国.K. 政府重大计划实现了这一认可.

The best of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ globally recognized program management system and the Environment Agency’s asset management tools were combined with the outputs of an 18-month plan to develop an Asset Management System (AMS) that meets the Thames Estuary needs. The service-focused AMS tackles the management of existing assets and the creation of new assets and asset systems over a 60-year life cycle period.

First-of-the-kind modelling to criticality assess assets along the whole estuary has allowed the program to start developing risk-based asset class strategies. 总体洪水风险管理策略识别并理解了大约25个资产系统, 他们的收益和成本, 以及它们之间的相互依赖性,以帮助确定资产管理活动的优先级.

2018年,在 澳大利亚水服务协会 领先资产管理客户价值项目(AMCV), TEAM2100 used its rigorous benchmarking process to provide a better appreciation of what needs to be done to improve management performance. 与审计和符合ISO 55001的要求, 该过程提高了透明度,并为TEAM2100提供了组织的整体视图, 优势和有待改进的地方.


We're using the latest scanning and monitoring technology to view the changing nature of the river and assess the potential impact on flood defenses. 无人机被部署在沿河的低空飞行, 提供防御系统的鸟瞰图,并识别需要进一步升级的区域. They are quicker than traditional topographic survey methods and can cover approximately 2-kilometers of linear surveying per day, collecting millions of 3D data points and providing the opportunity to gain more data than ever before capturing an unobstructed view of surveyed areas with 3D topography, 河口高清航拍和高清视频.

In 2018, trials of submersible and confined space drones created the potential for further progress in data collection. 潜水无人机在受控位置工作良好, 但还需要做更多的调查来证实它们在河口的有效性.


By implementing remote asset sensor technology to monitor real-time performance data on key critical assets within the Thames Estuary system, we’re able to quickly identify any performance changes and intervene to reduce whole life costs of asset management and minimize any changes in flood risk.

Portable Leica Pegasus lidar equipment is used – either from a riverboat or carried as a backpack – to run surveys at low tide, 收集数据, 也可以在办公室方便的时候使用. It’s particularly useful for assets that are very difficult or dangerous to 访问 – so much safer when compared to visual inspections on foot. Pegasus makes monitoring the foreshore much more efficient; highlighting vulnerable areas before they deteriorate badly is one of the great benefits of the technology.


The team also created a web and desk-based information portal (Estuary Eye) and associated App to offer a common data environment for review, 访问, 管理和使用收集和存储的资产数据. The embedded videos and 3D information provide instant 访问 to complex geospatial asset information and the tools developed enable a highly efficient approach to option and design appraisals, 创建一个港湾范围的资产系统BIM模型, 以及对项目进度的直观评估. 有超过100个地图图层, 河口眼是一个数据管理工具, 一个高效的评估和设计工具, 以及大量新的和历史上收集的现场数据的接口.

到目前为止,该团队已经从计划和项目层面推动了创新,帮助识别 超过300 创新, 包括数据管理, 无人机技术, 将3D增强现实应用于安全领域, 智能首页和绿色首页试点, 该项目预计将在10年的计划中节省1亿英镑的效率.这也意味着我们正在帮助定义美国资产管理和洪水风险管理的未来.K.

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