无人机如何指导美国的重大建设.S. 港口

Drone technology is constantly evolving and achieving countless business benefits, 包括增加820亿美元和100亿美元,美国将增加000个就业岗位.S. 在2025年经济. 如果我们展示给你看呢 how drones took flight to guide 正规博彩十大网站排名 and the Port of Virginia's construction progress on a major expansion to double capacity?



In 2019, nearly 40 million flights will take to the sky – demonstrating the new heights modern air travel has reached since the first documented flight in history, a short 12 seconds of airtime over 120 feet completed by Orville Wright in 1903.

当然最有名的是那次飞行, Wright also is one of the masterminds behind the humble beginnings of one of the most popular technologies of the current decade – unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), 或无人机. 怀特和电气工程师查尔斯F. 凯特林开发了第一架功能性无人机, 长12英尺、翼展15英尺的木制双翼飞机, 带着一枚180磅的炸弹, 作为…的一部分 秘密项目 第一次世界大战期间.

根据 估计, drone technology today equates to global revenues of more than $127 million across business solutions ranging from  NASA exploring drone technology to 访问土星的卫星, Titan, to Domino’s becoming the first company to use a drone to deliver pizza. Drone technology is touted for its benefits including advancing efficiency and productivity, 降低工作量和生产成本, improving accuracy and service and heightening security measures across society.

But what if we showed you how 正规博彩十大网站排名 harnessed UAV technology to deliver aerial construction progress images, reducing required data-processing time and allowing the Port of Virginia to make smart, real-time business decisions throughout a $320 million expansion project at the 维吉尼亚国际网关?





more images generated using efficient drone technology to enhance coordination and heighten safety 

U无人飞行器技术是一种快速的技术, efficient and cost-effective approach to capture project construction progress. The data that this new technology provides allows for enhanced accuracy and effectiveness for project planning and scheduling.

卡尔文·伍尔森,PE, CCM


The 维吉尼亚国际网关 (VIG) – for which we served as engineer-of-record and construction manager – was the first and remains one of the only functional automated container terminals in the Western Hemisphere. 发展的第一阶段, 操作现在, processes more than one million 20- foot- equivalent -units (TEU) annually.

In 2016, the Port of Virginia entered into a 50-year lease agreement to operate VIG, 为在终端开始第二阶段扩建扫清道路, which added approximately 60 acres in additional space and another one million-plus TEUs in capacity.

正规博彩十大网站排名 again served as designer and the construction manager for the expansion, 其中包括在集装箱堆场增加13个新的集装箱堆场, 延长泊位, 26台新型自动堆垛机(ASC), 四台新的船到岸集装箱起重机, converting the existing rail yard to a cantilevered rail mounted gantry crane (CRMG) operation and doubling the throughput capacity of the rail operation and adding new truck lanes at the in-gate – all aimed at driving the economy while building Virginia's reputation as an international business destination.



展开完成后, four inbound truck lanes have increased the terminal’s in-gate complex capacity by 30 percent; doubling the size of VIG’s stack yard and boosting its container handling capability by the use of the new automated stacking cranes; expanding the rail yard capacity and increased its efficiency by the use of state of the art CRMG cranes and welcoming the 到来 美国最大的船对岸起重机之一.S. 港口.

作为我们设计和施工的一部分, 正规博彩十大网站排名 delivered aerial images of construction progress each month throughout the entire program. Because traditional methods such as airplane or helicopter imaging can be costly and require longer data processing time, 我们选择使用无人机, a 幻影4职业 来自大疆创新公司(DJI)的无人机在空中收集数据. 我们用无人机和 无人机部署 application to create a flight path and get an accurate survey of the site, and used 无人机部署 and the Environmental System Research Institute’s (ESRI) Drone2Map 软件的数据处理和图像生成.

Using the drone eliminated the need for expensive manned aerial vehicle imaging and reduced the time required to process data. 事实上, drones are quicker than traditional topographic survey methods and can cover approximately 200 acres in one flight, collecting millions of 3D data points and providing the op港口unity to gain more data than ever before since they can capture an unobstructed view of surveyed areas. Our drone imaging takes just about a day to process and send to external stakeholders – and we can even add oblique photos, video, 3D建模和土地覆盖获取,以增加其价值.

因为无人机的效率, 我们生成了超过50%的图像, 确保团队每次都拥有最新的信息, enabling them to make more effective business decisions using computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) overlays to point out discrepancies saving time, 钱和保持积极的计划. 例如, the use of CADD overlay drone photos can enhance coordination of the construction with ongoing 港口 operations and other contractors on site, 如何减轻成本高昂的操作中断, heightens safety by increasing awareness to ever changing traffic patterns on site due to construction activities, 允许与工作人员进行清晰的沟通,从而消除返工, improves planning of the work which decreases the duration of the project and expedites the resolution of contractor disputes (claims) as a result of its capability to cost effectively document the progress of the work.

Interested in learning more about how 正规博彩十大网站排名 transforms intangible ideas into intelligent solutions for a more connected, 可持续的世界? 访问 www.正规博彩十大网站排名.com/what-if.

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