How Safer Transportation Depends on Resilient Plans and Infrastructure

As the frequency of extreme weather events intensifies, 流动性的风险, progress and safety for global cities grows. 如果我们告诉你怎么做呢, 从新西兰的涨潮到地震后恢复关键联系, 飓风和洪水, 正规博彩十大网站排名 is tackling weather-related challenges to secure safer, smart transportation infrastructure solutions for tomorrow?

Water flooding bridge during hurricane

While the competitive Rio FIFA World Cup, 2014年,索契冬奥会和毁灭性的埃博拉疫情占据了各大媒体的头条, 世界悄无声息地迎来了另一个里程碑:全球一半以上的人口首次生活在城市地区.

在接下来的四年里, urbanization would lead to the number of megacities, or cities with populations higher than 10 million, 不断上升的 从2018年的28岁到33岁. 这些大城市, just about half lie at risk from sea level rise, increased storm surges and extreme weather events. 更多的农村人口, especially in low-lying island nations, climate variability further threatens life-sustaining activities.

In 2012, Hurricane Sandy made landfall, affecting 24 U.S. 造成了一些 $70.损失20亿美元. More than 15,000 flights into New York and other East Coast airports were canceled. 纽约地铁被数百万加仑的海水淹没,这是地铁运营一个多世纪以来遭受的最严重的破坏. Bridges and 巷道s flooded and were closed across the eastern seaboard.

飓风桑迪史无前例的破坏给纽约市和世界各地的其他城市人口敲响了警钟——我们需要加强我们城市的首页,以抵御气候变化和极端天气事件的加剧, and refresh our focus on preparedness, response and recovery planning and delivery to emerge stronger post-events.

如果我们向您展示正规博彩十大网站排名如何提供全面的解决方案来帮助社区做好准备呢, 适应, mitigate and recover when facing weather-related mobility challenges?



在估计全球 经济 极端天气的代价, including significant recovery, repair and future-proofing costs for transport infrastructure


resilience-based projects in the 正规博彩十大网站排名 portfolio around the globe

预测和应对自然和人为的灾难或事故,以提供安全, 可靠和弹性的解决方案是我们向用户和客户提供运输解决方案的基础.

正规博彩十大网站排名 Global Director of Transportation

Building back better than before

U.S. 34路修复

在2013年秋天, 毁灭性的洪水对重要首页造成了近40亿美元的大范围损失, 交通网络, homes and businesses across 24 counties in Colorado.

Especially destructive for mountain and rural corridors north of Denver, floods in the Big Thompson River canyon destroyed more than 10 miles of the U.S. Highway 34 巷道 embankment, washed out homes and took the lives of two.

由于道路损坏, residents in the canyon were cut off from emergency services and more than 2,000 people needed to be evacuated to safe areas via helicopter.

寻找长期的, 有弹性的解决方案, the Colorado Department of Transportation, 受到科罗拉多州州长希肯卢珀“重建得比以前更好”的承诺的鼓舞,” engaged us to design 23 miles of repairs to US 34, 目的是实现更有弹性的道路,并优先为居民在下一次洪水事件的紧急访问.

随着首页日益受到自然灾害的影响,各机构面临着用更少的资源做更多事情的挑战,整合灵活和创新的解决方案是提高升级抵御能力的关键, 和快, lower-cost repairs in the event of future devastation. 我们在这个屡获殊荣的项目上实施了几个创新和有弹性的解决方案, 为未来的交通改善建立一个模型,旨在提高安全性. 发现更多在这里.



At an estimated $125 billion in damage, 飓风哈维是1900年以来美国大陆第二严重的飓风. Causing about $125 billion in damage, Hurricane Harvey ranks as the second-most costly hurricane to strike mainland U.S. 从20世纪初开始.

灾难性的风暴使原本繁忙的休斯敦交通枢纽陷入停顿. Floods soaked and inundated infrastructure, 关闭三个港口,并认为超过780条道路无法通行,这让通勤者和货运行业都感到头疼. 近10%的美国人.S. trucking industry was estimated to experience impacts from the storm at its peak. 休斯顿航道的水深减少了3英尺——先前的研究发现,仅损失1英尺,每年就会给经济造成2.8亿美元的损失.

联邦紧急事务管理局(FEMA)发起了有史以来最具历史意义的灾难应对行动之一, 今天还在继续. 我们的合资公司, CCPRS, 继续为联邦应急管理局的“哈维飓风公共援助计划”提供专业技术支持, which awards grants to state and local governments, and certain private non-profit entities. 

Our work encompasses engineering, 成本估算, 施工管理和其他技术服务,以支持灾害响应和恢复工作,包括废墟清除, emergency protective measures and permanent restoration of damaged infrastructure, 包括道路. 该方案还鼓励通过在恢复过程中提供减灾措施援助,保护受损设施免受未来事件的影响. 在之前的一场音乐会中, we provided more than $500 million in public assistance, 恢复操作, construction and project management and technical services, including recovery support to Puerto Rico in response to Hurricane Maria. 发现更多在这里.

Bolstering resilience along a sinking coast

SH 16

When it storms in New Zealand, 地势低洼的沿海地区, like those along the West Auckland coast, can quickly become inundated, 或淹没, 在海边. Sitting along this vulnerable coast is Auckland’s Northwestern Motorway (SH16). Built in the 1950s on soft marine mud, 多年来海岸侵蚀和地面沉降导致高速公路慢慢下沉, leaving it particularly susceptible to flooding, 特别是在涨潮时.

To safeguard and futureproof SH16 against flooding and coastal erosion, the New Zealand Transport Agency procured a strategic alliance team, 包括美国, 提高和扩大.8 kilometers of the existing twin three-lane motorway.

这一努力的基础是对环境的仔细考虑,其中包括岩土工程, 结构, 巷道, SH16沿着Motu Manawa Pollen岛海洋保护区敏感的海岸环境运行. Doing our part to impact the reserve as little as possible, 我们承担了高速公路的详细几何设计和永久和临时路线的交通服务, 交换, and 行人 and cyclepaths to minimize the project’s footprint in the reserve. 另外, the stormwater drainage system, designed by the project team, significantly narrowed the 巷道’s embankment width, 减少在易受污染地区进行昂贵的地基改善工程和所需的填土材料, and ultimately secured an estimated $50 million in savings. 我们还准备了一套经修订的环境管理计划,以供设计和施工, 包括从管理敏感的沿海和海洋保护区以及社区关切的现有项目努力中获取关键线索.

现在完成, 拓宽的SH16公路加强了海岸减轻洪水和下沉的能力, and offers citizens improved travel time reliability, 由于在道路上增加了专用的公共汽车肩道,改善了行人和骑自行车者的通道,使公交出行更直接. And, SH16 represents a key connection in the 西方环路线, which upon expected completion in 2021, 将提供一条环绕奥克兰的替代路线,以提高网络效率和区域增长.

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