
In 2021, the world’s attention has shifted toward the global drive to net zero, 联合国称今年是应对气候变化行动的“成败之年”.


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In 2020, net zero carbon commitments roughly doubled, 许多国家抓住机会推出“绿色刺激”,以支持疫情后的经济复苏. And in November, world leaders will gather at COP26 to coordinate action to stop the rise in global temperatures. Decarbonization has a big role to play.

Learn about our efforts in reducing transportation emissions.

Green Transportation

在全球范围内减少排放和实现“净零”一直是——而且将继续是——未来几十年世界上最大、最紧迫的挑战之一. With the effects of climate change  – extreme weather events,  polar ice cap melts, wildfires and droughts – becoming more frequent and more intense, 我们最重要的是采取紧急行动来解决这个问题及其对环境的影响, economies and societies around the globe.

脱碳是我们实现净零未来的首要途径,而这一“零竞赛”包括两条互补的路径. 第一种途径是减少各行各业产生的碳足迹——从水到交通, to manufacturing and city precincts. 第二种方法是将为它们提供动力的气体和电力系统脱碳, which is commonly referred to as “the energy transition.”

Helping our clients to reduce their carbon footprint

Emissions stem from our business activities and societal drive for growth. From cleaning our water so that it’s drinkable, 让人们早上去工作,然后在一天结束时回到他们的家人身边, most of the activities we engage in on a daily basis have an impact. And as our global population increases and our economies evolve, 除非我们积极努力减少这些活动产生的温室气体排放,否则我们的碳足迹将继续增长.

支持各行业的组织实现净零排放的过程,将得到我们开发解决方案的能力的支持,这些解决方案支持净零目标和经济目标之间的协调一致, environmentally sustainable and equitable growth. But this isn’t simply a case of adapting in the face of change. 而是要最大限度地利用这段旅程中出现的转型机会, developing sustainable and resilient solutions that enable humanity to thrive, while living within our planetary limits.

Decarbonizing our energy systems

我们生产、传输、分配和使用能源的方式正在迅速改变. 我们的天然气和电力系统正在从化石燃料转向“绿色”能源. In the future, when we charge our electric vehicles or turn on our lights at home, 我们使用的电力更有可能来自可再生和清洁能源.

在这一转变过程中,最大的挑战之一将是发展不仅“清洁”的能源系统,” but also reliable and affordable. The sun doesn’t always shine, and the wind doesn’t always blow, 那么,我们如何确保可再生能源在我们需要的时候、在任何地方都是可用的呢? 我们如何确保我们对绿色未来的努力对经济增长产生积极的影响?

energy transition graphic


Reducing Carbon

Setting emission reduction targets is one thing, 实现这些目标是另一回事,而通往净零碳未来的道路对每个组织来说都是不同的. No matter where you are on your decarbonization journey, we partner with you to create smart, 切实可行的解决方案,帮助实现你们的净零承诺,让世界变得更好.

Whether you’re looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint, a review of your existing net zero strategy and implementation plan, or a solutions provider to manage your journey from start to finish, our clear and proven approach to decarbonization sets us apart.

Meet Zoe Haseman, Vice President of Global Sustainability

Zoe Haseman 从一个小的创业公司,成为皇后奖企业,领导全公司的可持续发展战略和里程碑的可持续发展总体规划的客户, Zoe Haseman isn’t afraid to think differently. As Jacobs' Vice President of Global Sustainability, 她正在推动我们的转变,以推动可能的极限,并保持领先,为未来创造新的道路:一个更紧密的联系, sustainable tomorrow.

Meet Zoe

The Energy Transition

我们正与世界各地的客户合作,制定战略并实施项目,整合可再生能源发电的最佳组合, 存储解决方案和首页,以实现成功的能源转型,减少排放, supports reliability and strengthens liveability outcomes for our communities.

Not only do we deliver world-class technical solutions, our work is underpinned by strategic, 从改变消费者行为和迅速变化的政策环境到新兴的数字和技术景观中不断加快的变化步伐,对未来能源的发展趋势提供前瞻性咨询.

Meet Pete Adams, Global Director for Power

Pete Adams headshot As Jacobs' Global Director for Power, 皮特·亚当的职责是与我们的客户和全球团队合作,制定战略和实施项目,整合绿色能源发电的最佳组合, 存储解决方案和电力首页,以实现成功的能源转型,减少排放, supports reliability and strengthens livability outcomes for our communities.


Meet Pete

Partner with a company that walks the talk

我们的承诺是在我们的运营和商务旅行中实现净零碳 realized in 2020, and we’re now focused on fulfilling our science-based carbon reduction targets — planning beyond today for a more sustainable tomorrow.

Learn more about our Climate Action 计划 and our approach to sustainability, 计划BeyondSM.

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