

Data-driven solutions for nuclear safety, performance and operational efficiencies

Red haired woman in a white lab coat at a computer

我们的 答案®软件服务 provides software and consultancy services for customers world-wide in the areas of reactor physics, 辐射屏蔽, 剂量测定法, 核临界, 测井和核数据.

建立软件包, dedicated helpline and support services, and the availability of experienced consultants and analysts provide a comprehensive capability to solve client issues in areas such as nuclear safety, plant performance and operational efficiency.

Explore our 答案 software service
  • 核临界安全

    MONK provides advanced geometry modelling and detailed continuous energy collision treatment to create realistic 3D models for an accurate Monte Carlo simulation of neutronic behavior.

  • Radiation Shielding and Dosimetry - MCBEND and RANKERN

    MCBEND计算中子, gamma-ray and charged particle transport in sub-critical systems using Monte Carlo radiation transport algorithms, as well as the coupling between these different radiation types.

  • 反应堆物理- WIMS和豹

    WIMS can model a wide range of reactor physics problems ranging from simple pin cell reactivity calculations to whole core estimates of power flux distributions for all thermal reactor types, 包括研究反应堆.

  • The leading neutron diffusion and thermal hydraulics code for the analysis of any thermal reactor core.

  • 核素库存- FISPIN

    FISPIN calculates the changes occurring in the numbers of atoms of the nuclides of various species (heavy isotopes or actinides, fission products and structural or activation materials) as a sample of nuclear fuel is subject to periods of irradiation and cooling.

  • Analysis of pressurized water reactors (PWRs)

    We’ve worked collaboratively with Tractebel Engineering and EDF Energy over many years to tackle issues and develop a new route for analyzing cores containing mixed oxide fuel (MOX) fuel and, to validate new WIMS/豹 methods for modelling PWRs containing a mixture of urate oxidase (UOX) and MOX fuels.