

Captures the supercycle in 电子产品 in response to the global supply chain disruption affecting the full range of specialized manufacturing sectors.


Our differentiating capabilities in the advanced manufacturing market include 正规博彩十大网站排名’ highly advanced 设计 and 工程 in the electrification ecosystem, data centers and semiconductor manufacturing – deployed through a global integrated delivery platform.

70多年来, 我们召集了这个星球上最好的团队来挑战今天,重新想象明天. 现在, 我们的顾问, 架构师, 工程师和技术人员正在继续这个故事, constantly adding innovations alongside best practice to solve our clients’ most complex problems.

我们计划, 选择网站, 设计, 工程师, 为世界各地的客户监督施工和完成操作. 我们致力于为人类建设一个更美好的世界. 这个简单的共同目标使我们的人员、计划和项目保持一致.

我们的梦想大. 我们不断创新. 我们仍然对端到端交付负责. 我们总能找到方法,不管挑战有多么“不可能”. 然而,实用主义和专业知识使我们保持在正确的轨道上, guided by the highest standards and united by a laser-like dedication to solve our clients’ problems.

As our clients keep pace with global trends – from climate change to tightening regulation to accelerated construction schedules – our integrated project delivery model ensures they are always one step ahead. We are turnkey project-delivery partners for the world’s advanced facilities – offering full-service 工程, procurement and construction management solutions that give our clients greater control, 降低风险,增加金钱价值.

我们被信任为先进技术行业进行转型, 大学和政府, 跨数据中心, 电子产品, 半导体, 生命科学和专业制造.


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    years of life sciences experience and partnerships with the world’s largest Life Sciences firms.

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We understand the need for a global network of expertise and knowledge to 设计 for scalability, 适应市场需求,不断创新,保持领先. 我们创造有影响力的解决方案,这样你就能成功——不仅仅是今天,而是明天.

For over 30 years, high-technology, mission critical 设计 has been at the core of our practice. 正规博彩十大网站排名是提供综合规划的全球领导者, 体系结构, 工程, 数据中心设施的项目建设管理和调试. 



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电子产品正以惊人的速度改变着世界, 但没有最令人印象深刻的工厂遗址, 可能是有限的. 我们的团队设计, 模型, analyses and enables data centers and facilities which make the 电子产品 revolution spin faster.

世界上五分之四的计算机都是由我们的团队设计的. 我们为十大半导体制造商服务了30年. 作为我们领域的领导者, 我们很自豪地为设施建模设定了标准, 工业工程, cleanroom 体系结构 and process – plus associated electrical and mechanical systems.



We’re proud to hold longstanding partnerships with the world’s leading Life Sciences firms. 从设计设备到制造变革性疗法, 加速救生产品的交付, 我们帮助客户解决最重要的挑战.

Our aim is to give the best minds of today the platform to create the cures of tomorrow.

As our clients work to meet aggressive timelines, we strive to be the catalyst for innovation. 我们提供端到端的项目交付从一个信任的合作伙伴在一个快速, 聪明和安全的方式-准时和在预算之内.

具有半个多世纪的相关经验可供借鉴, 这为我们的客户提供了全面的一站式设施服务.

探索我们的健康 & 生命科学市场


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Whenever manufacturers look to incorporate new 技术 or expand into unfamiliar 市场, 他们叫我们. 为什么?

部分, 因为我们的嵌入式, hard-won knowledge: Our team elevates our clients by delivering cost-effective and transformative projects to the consumer goods and products, 金属, 纸浆、造纸、特种化工及工业发酵市场. We understand that the success of our clients is about more than well-设计ed facilities; it’s about well-设计ed strategies tailored for every market and every location.

再加上我们的自动化工具和模拟集成过程, which minimize costs and maximize value: Our technology-driven services span from virtual simulation tools for process optimization during front-end 设计, 定制机器解决方案,将设计转化为工作制造系统.

从工艺设计咨询到无缝集成工程, 采购和施工管理服务, our people deliver innovative solutions for the world’s most challenging manufacturing projects.

