Smart Water Metering Solutions


Stock image blue data wave

供应商和消费者都在努力应对一些最严峻的水资源挑战, heightened demands for better ways to monitor, 管理和共享分布式水的数据将使智能水表成为一个选择的解决方案. Smart meters support water management efforts, serve increasingly sophisticated customer demands, 实现运营效率,保持可负担的价格——同时帮助解决世界水需求和缺水问题.

Global market insights predict that the global smart water meters market will experience steady, extensive growth during the next five years. 在Jacobs,我们已经自豪地支持我们的客户在他们的智能测量旅程. We work with utilities of all sizes, from 5,从1万户地区公用事业公司到拥有超过100万账户的全国供应商.

我们的全球主题专家团队热衷于了解客户的需求,并调整我们的方法,为他们的具体操作和客户需求找到合适的技术. Through our work, 我们致力于通过数字解决方案和组织转型来解决客户面临的最大挑战,以实现更紧密的联系, sustainable world.

Jaason Englesmith
Jacobs Global Technology Leader for Smart Metering


advanced metering infrastructure projects globally


total meters to date


(and counting!) in capital investment


growth expected by 2026, reaching $7.3 billion (industry-wide)

Featured Solution

How Gwinnett County Uses Smart Meter Data



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Our Solutions

From project definition, vendor selection and stakeholder engagement, to organizational transformation, implementation and benefits realization, 我们与城市和水务公司合作,帮助他们避免和减轻不必要的风险. 我们作为业主代理,在整个过程中为他们提供技术指导. 我们的全球经验和运营知识意味着我们可以提供有用的见解,了解先进的计量首页(AMI)系统如何在全球区域内演进和成熟, 同时帮助我们的客户在他们的经营环境中做出明智的、可持续的决策.

We provide full-service strategic consulting, economic modeling, 智能计量领域的采购和项目管理服务,严格独立于供应商. We’re not just the brains behind the technology, 我们是一个长期的合作伙伴——我们可以为我们的客户提供关于该技术的用例的建议,并在实现完成后很长时间内交付收益.

Smart Water Metering Innovation & Insights

For More Information, Contact

Name: Jaason Englesmith

Title: Global Technology Leader for Smart Metering

Phone: 408.320.5227


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