


Space pod in orbit

An industry at an inflection point: government and private sector space agencies worldwide are experiencing widespread industry disruption and innovation.

雅各布提供高端的遥感和地球观测解决方案, 情报收集, 通讯和导航, and space-enabled science and exploration through its decades of experience and capabilities in scientific, 工程及科技创新.


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雅各布斯挑战的今天. 重塑明天.

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Launch support


他是美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心探索地面系统项目的主承包商, 雅各布斯负责飞行器部件的开发和运营, 包括集成, processing, testing, launch and recovery. The Jacobs team has helped NASA to modernize and upgrade facilities and ground equipment at KSC to prepare for the launch of the 太空发射系统 (SLS) and Orion crew vehicle in support of the Artemis Program, which aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the moon and establish sustainable exploration in preparation for missions to Mars. 这项工作的例子包括对600万磅的履带式运输车进行升级, 380英尺高的移动式发射装置和39B发射台. 发射小组现在正在完成航天发射场指挥和控制系统软件的开发, 并开始为发射SLS和猎户座飞船处理飞行硬件. The Jacobs team also provides technical and engineering support to a variety of commercial space companies, 包括洛克希德·马丁公司, Boeing, 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司和内华达山脉公司.



Jacobs is providing technical leadership and support to NASA’s 太空发射系统 Program in the areas of vehicle systems engineering and integration; flight software development; avionics systems integration; lab construction and operation; vehicle structural load development; structural, propulsion and acoustic testing; and design, 开发和分析. The Jacobs team also designs and oversees development and test of the Ground Support Equipment required to transport, test, 并在地面操作大规模SLS飞行硬件.



Jacobs is part of the team of engineers supporting development and construction of NASA’s Orion crew capsule, 哪个是长期使用的, 载人登月和深入太空的任务. 雅各布斯提供关键工程, fabrication and testing of Orion’s vital systems to validate strict reliability guidelines that will ensure mission readiness on the first flight to the moon since Apollo. Multiple Jacobs contract operations work as one team to test the Environmental Control Life Support Systems, 发射中止系统, 胶囊降落伞组装系统和水冲击下降和压力测试, 以及验证隔热板能够承受大于4的再入温度,000华氏度. KSC的雅各布斯团队已经为猎户座开发和生产了数千个防热罩组件.



Jacobs supports cargo delivery to the 国际空间站 (ISS) for NASA under the Commercial Resupply Services contract at Kennedy Space Center, coordinating logistics of launch payloads in concert with commercial cargo platforms such as Northrup Grumman Cygnus, 和日本宇宙航空研究开发机构HTV. The Jacobs teams at both Kennedy and Johnson Space Center have the expertise to manage the life cycle of technical and scientific payloads bound for the ISS, 从概念制定到操作系统集成. 他们可以开发和维护用于实验的飞行硬件, 与科学家协调准备和处理实验, 开发在轨人员程序和计划来支持科学研究. 在马歇尔太空飞行中心, Jacobs团队成员发展, 制造和测试国际空间站环境控制和生命支持系统的组件, 同时也支持材料科学实验设计, 开发和制造.

作为NASA最大的专业技术服务提供商, 雅各布斯汇集了在各自技术领域经验丰富的主题专家, 为全国各地的探索和研究项目提供创新的解决方案. This work includes the operation and maintenance of a variety of unique research and development facilities, 包括NASA的电弧喷射设备和风洞, 它也有支持国防部类似设施的悠久历史.
